13 March, 2013

Himilayan Trekking

After considerable deliberation and organizing we had decided to go on a larger trek through the Himalaya’s. we had decided to do the steep accent on the first day as it had more of the beautiful views but we were both shocked especially i was at how steep the accent was over 1000metre within the first few hours and yes all surrounded by beautiful settings of traditional farms nestled within the hilltops. we passed little goat sheds where you could hear them doing there thing, communal running taps where they would use the water source from. After 2 or so hours we reached the first town, we sat on top of a rooftop and ordered a pot of masala tea. I watched the clouds darken and knew we were about to be rained on. we asked some locals, the men tended to give us more of an inaccurate estimate of weather as the women were a bit more like i don’t know.  this seemed to be a bit of a trend along the whole journey. So we were hit with a hail storm and just had to ride it out under a shaded area, i had found a local cat that had liked a cuddle and she warmed up in my lap for a while. The rain stopped and things cleared then we were off again to the next place after another approximately 3 hours of walking through fairly gradual terrain we came to the first Town “tea house rest place” the place we chose was quite run down and we stayed in the top floor so every step you took you could hear. the people were very kind and they even allowed us to go into there kitchen area and out the back where they were making traditional mulled wine called roxy, tasted like a watered down version of spirit. all in all it was a good experience. Day two consisted of very much the same thing much hard walking up and down slippery and steep steps and rocks, some lady had sold me a big stick used for a walking pole and it really came in handy the whole time, each day you could see the landscape change ever so much more dramatically.  the second night we stayed in the town of landruck and was pleased to have some other travelers there for conversion… we sat in the dinning area and talked about every r=topic under the sun for 5 hours. when i say a town i mean a village that has been calved out of the hillside hundreds of meters in the air. the view from this place of the Himalayas was breath taking it made everything else look like ants. more posts on this to come!

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