30 December, 2012

Vietnam Military History Museum Hanoi


We had a chance to visit the Vietnam Military History Museum based in Hanoi, from a westerners perspective it was a very confrontational thing, I have never agreed with the principals of war but i was interested in understanding more about the history of Vietnam and the battles it has fought. What was interesting was seeing the museum set up from a Vietnamese perspective, It was quite confronting was seeing all the military planes, tanks, helicopters, cars and a whole variety of paraphernalia  all stuck in time and prominently displayed .there was an eerie kind of feeling lingering in this museum for me, i especially had this feeling looking inside one of the fighter jets as too some of the helicopters, i couldn’t stop thinking of what these machines would have been involved in. If these things could tell me a story what would it be. There were small ladders based around some of the planes so you could see somewhat where the pilots would have sat. there were little plaques sitting at the front of all the relics to try and tell the story of were this vehicle was captured or what was some of the story behind it. there was a flag tower also there that was built in 1805-1812, as shown in some  of the photos below. all in all i am glad the we discovered this museum as it really left me with quite a emotional impact,

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